I understand your unique needs and desire

Buying a new home is a very unique experience, much different than that of a resale home purchase. There is no Multiple Listing Service and the builder's sales staff represent the seller only. How do you find the home that really fits your need, make sure your interest is protected, and have someone hold your hand throughout the long buying process?


My experience and knowledge in working with new home developers/builders for over 25 years can help you find your the dream new home, as well as get the best deal with least amount of frustration.    

We specialize in new homes

Your new home speicalist

Stanley has been working with new home builder/developers since 1993. For 20+ years he served as the preferred lender for many local builders. Starting 2009 he has been representing buyers for new home purchase. Over the past 25 years he has helped over 1,000 buyers fulfill their dream of owning a new home


  • Extremely experienced in new home market
  • Deep relationship with new home builders
  • Extensive knowledge of local market and opportunities throughout bay area

Telephone: +1.408-777-8900

 Email: BayAreaNewHomes@gmail.com

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Stanley Tseng


Nova Financial Services, Inc.

CA DRE Lic. #01082983




Bay Area New Homes

The best place to find new homes in San Francisco Bay Area